In this gripping tale, a cell tower technician shares his harrowing experience while working in a secluded location. Hoping for a thrilling BASE jump from the tower, he encounters a mysterious figure climbing towards him. As fear takes hold, he races against time to reach the top and make a desperate leap into the unknown. Surviving the fall, he faces a relentless pursuit and must rely on his instincts to escape. With scars and a sense of impending danger, he contemplates the next job offer, uncertain if he's ready to face the unknown again. Join us as we delve into this spine-chilling account of survival and the lingering aftermath.
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Special thanks to: Steven_Killian
Story: Most people think my job is pure nightmare fuel. I used to disagree with them.
Music by: Myuu
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Special thanks to: Weathers_Writing Story: My wife started acting strange about a week ago. Now I'm being charged for her murder. #creepypasta...