In this suspenseful story, Angie's fifth date with Kevin takes a sinister turn during a monthly game night with his friends. The night becomes increasingly strange and disorienting for Angie, as Kevin and his friends seem to be hiding something from her. She suspects that there's more to their "game night" than meets the eye. After feeling drugged and manipulated, Angie wakes up in her own room with no memory of the night's events. She confronts her brother, Jonathan, who tries to downplay the situation, but Angie realizes he's lying. Fearing for her safety, she pretends to be in the hospital to get Jonathan out of his apartment, but he's armed with a bat and appears to be a threat. The story ends on a cliffhanger as Angie faces a dangerous situation and pleads for help from anyone reading her account.
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Special thanks to: ParanormalWatermelon
Story: My boyfriend and his friends have a monthly game night, and last night I disrupted their sinister tradition.
Music by: Myuu
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