The Midnight Podcast

The Midnight Podcast is a show consisting of true and fictional stories that are considered to be horror or thriller. There's some feel good stories in here too and you might find a poem. I ...more

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July 02, 2023 00:09:11
E252 | I asked my criminal law professor if a client ever scared him. His story haunts me to this day

E252 | I asked my criminal law professor if a client ever scared him. His story haunts me to this day

In this bone-chilling true crime story, a law school professor recounts his encounter with a seemingly innocent client accused of a brutal homicide. As...



June 29, 2023 00:11:29
E251 | I invited five friends over. One too many arrived.

E251 | I invited five friends over. One too many arrived.

Witnessing a nightmarish ordeal, a group of friends find themselves trapped in a deadly game they can't comprehend. As they gather for a casual...



June 27, 2023 00:14:03
E250 | I won a lifetime supply of paperclips.

E250 | I won a lifetime supply of paperclips.

In this chilling tale, a seemingly innocent paperclip competition takes a sinister turn. The protagonist begins receiving mysterious envelopes filled with paperclips, but when...



June 25, 2023 00:18:43
E249 | There’s a secret number you can text to find out your death date…

E249 | There’s a secret number you can text to find out your death date…

In this thrilling story, a group of friends and family members gather for a barbecue and engage in a prank involving texting a mysterious...



June 23, 2023 00:19:04
E248 | As I got on the elevator, the man getting off whispered something strange to me

E248 | As I got on the elevator, the man getting off whispered something strange to me

In this eerie tale, a man enters an elevator for a job interview and is warned by a stranger not to get off until...



June 21, 2023 00:14:11
E247 | Upstairs

E247 | Upstairs

In this suspenseful story, Melissa finds herself in a dire housing situation after her roommate's drug bust and subsequent eviction. She stumbles upon a...
