In this chilling story, two roommates, Ryllan and Nolan, discover a set of creepy mannequins in a dumpster during one of their treasure-hunting escapades. They decide to bring them home, modify them with Bluetooth speakers to scare people, and draw faces on them. Strange events ensue when the mannequins seemingly come to life, appearing in unexpected places and uttering eerie phrases. Ryllan grows increasingly unnerved and tries to destroy them, but they keep reassembling themselves. He barricades himself in his room, desperately seeking help to explain the bizarre phenomena and to prove that he's not losing his mind.
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Special thanks to: Lycian-Sarpedon
Story: If you find Mannequins in a Dumpster, Leave them Alone.
Music by: Myuu
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In this gripping story, a couple moves into a new apartment and becomes intrigued by a mysterious diner called Hamburger Sally's. Despite their reservations,...
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