In this chilling narrative, a 911 dispatcher receives a call from a frightened seven-year-old boy who reports seeing someone standing outside his door. The dispatcher tries to gather information, but the situation takes a horrifying turn as the boy describes a figure behind the door and strange occurrences. As the dispatcher attempts to keep the child calm and locate his home, the tension rises. The story ends with a shocking revelation about the fate of the boy's family. The suspenseful tale unfolds through a phone call, creating a sense of immediacy and fear that grips the listener.
Special thanks to: WashYourHandsZooey
Story: Terrifying experience that my sister had while she was working as an emergency dispatcher at 911...
Music by: Myuu
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Special thanks to: Trash_Tia Story: When I was eight, the kids presenters in my favorite show scarred me for life. Music by: Myuu...
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In this mysterious story, the protagonist discovers a room within their house that appears to have no doors or windows and can only be...