In this gripping tale, set in a secluded community where women undergo a procedure called "Silencing" at the age of twelve, Eliza recounts her life growing up in a seemingly idyllic yet restrictive society. The Silencing renders women mute, a practice justified by the community's leaders as a means to maintain peace and order. Eliza, who aspires to be a Teacher like her father, grapples with fear and uncertainty as the day of her Silencing approaches. However, a mysterious woman with a talking voice appears at her window the night before the procedure, offering her a chance to escape and experience life beyond the community's boundaries. Faced with a choice between the only world she's known and the unknown, Eliza makes a daring decision, embarking on a journey that challenges her perceptions and promises the possibility of a voice in a world where silence is the norm.
Special thanks to: 1000andonenites -
Story: I Used to Live in a Cult that Silenced Women
Music by: Myuu
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Big thanks to Margbot for doing this video with me! I definitely want to encourage you to show her some love and check out...
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